Sunday, March 8, 2015

{#Subscription Sunday #3} Horror Block #March #monthlysubscription #horror #horrorblock

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another Subscription Sunday. I am so glad that you are here and can't wait to show you what I have for you today.

I am a huge horror fan and when I found out there was a horror themed subscription I knew I had to have it and so here it is, my very first Horror Block.

Sit back, pull up your blanket and let's see what we have.

What's in the Box

Vampire Slap Watch

The slap watch is LeeAnn's pick of the month. Never lose track of the midnight hour again. Or, for all of the vampires out there, keep track of the time dawn breaks ... you know, just in case.

Bitten Book

Bite into this novel! This great read by Kelley Armstrong will have you wanting to join the wolfpack with every word you read. This book will turn you ... in a werefan!

Zombie Cell

Open this month's block with caution, you do not want this nasty, infectious cell running through your veins. It might just turn you into the walking dead!

Zombie Puss

We've dripped and scraped puss straight from the scabs and wounds of a "radioactive" {glow-in-the-dark} zombie and securely held it in this barrel.

Rue Morgue

Rue Morgue is a Canadian horror magazine dedicated to covering "horror in culture and entertainment," taking its name from Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Murders in the Rue Morgue."

Exclusive Bride of Frankenstein Tee

Nerdblock is famous for their exclusive tees that they include in every Nerdblock, Horror Block, Arcade Block, and their other Blocks.

What I Think

Like I said before, this is my first Horror Block and I have to say that so far I am very happy and impressed. I am very happy with all the awesome swag that I received and I am loving the book and magazine. I am a huge bookworm so these are totally up my alley. Also, I am in LoVe with the Zombie Germ Giant Microb. I love the Giant Microbs anyway and I never knew that there was a Zombie one so to get it in the Horror Block is just awesome.

All in all, this Horror Block was totally awesome and so far I love it. Time will tell though and so we will see as the months go on how much I will keep loving it.

So far so good though.

Click below to Subscribe

Bye my lovelies!

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