Saturday, July 26, 2014

{Product Review} Green Virgin Products Soap Nuts Liquid Laundry Detergent #GVP

Hey everyone!

I am so excited to show you all this great product. All information is located below along with links to the product and, of course, my review. So, let's get into it.

Soap Nuts Liquid Laundry Detergent

They are the fruit of the Chinese Soap Berry Tree. These amazing berries are harvested and then dried in the sun. No chemicals of any kind are added. We only sell Sapindus Mukorossi soap as this is the species that are the largest and have the highest saponin content of any other species.  Laundry detergent with toxic chemicals and carcinogens is replaced with something all natural and totally organic.

The shell contains a natural soap called saponin. It has cleaning abilities equal to toxic chemical detergents. Soap berries are extremely hypo-allergenic and can be used by people who are allergic to all other detergents. They are completely green and don't pollute our planet.

What are Soap Nuts?

Okay, so I have heard of Soap Nuts before and it is actually a natural soap called saponin and it actually comes from the Soap Berries shell, which look like nuts therefore the name Soap Nuts. The saponin is then combined with water and it becomes soap that is 100% non toxic and a little bit goes a long long way. We are talking a tiny 8oz bottle will do 120 loads of laundry. Now tell me that isn't something you wouldn't want to try. lol It also is said to make your clothes softer than using fabric softer and it's hypoallergenic. So it is safe to use with small children and anyone with allergies. It's also known as a green product as it has a net negative carbon footprint.

Soap Berries still on the tree.

Shell of the Soap Berry used to make laundry soap.

My Thoughts

I have wanted to try Soap Nuts for a long while because I am all about green living and trying to cut back my carbon footprint. But I am also about using natural products because not only are they better for the environment but they are better for us and our health.

Upon trying this liquid soap I was pleasantly surprised with it's cleaning power and how well it made everything look. My clothes didn't look faded like they sometimes can after washing. They looked clean and vibrant. I did a variety of different loads from not so dirty things such as bath towels and such to pretty dirty and stinky like sweaty dirty stinky clothes and each time they came out of the wash smelling great and looking better. I also decided to not use my normal fabric softer to see if they did come out softer than using it and while I love my big fluffy towels it didn't do a bad job. They were soft and fluffy but not to the level I want them at, so I won't hold it against the product.

Over all the product delivered the clean and then some. I was very impressed and really loved how everything came out.

I have also learned that this can also be used for a few other things such as cleaning windows and other things so I think I am going to try it out in other places of the house because a multipurpose product is always something very great to have around the house.

Don't forget to check out the buy now link to find out more about the product and to buy yours today.

Buy Now


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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